Linux Docker container + Unity + Android

Unity 16/Mar/2023 Thu

In the last few days, I've been exploring what is docker and how to run Unity on it. Indeed, I've used GameCI in the past and worked good for me, nonetheless, I wanted something simple and from scratch.

something like docker + unity for dummies.

While investigating it, I found important resources that are not easily found when googling about it, e.g.,

With it, I built a minimal set of files for using a Ubuntu 18.04 container with Unity hub + Unity 2021.3 + Android submodules.

Other than the bunch of documention in the web, I learn: - A Unity pro/plus account is required to run Unity in CLI because a personal license cannot be activated without GUI. - Unity don't support docker. Nonetheless, it is on their roadmap, and under consideration: Product board portal - The Unity Hub is not working well in docker containers. So, Installing the editor directly might be a better option. Still, installing submodules (e.g., JDK, NDK) can be a headache. - It is necessary to specify all the submodules to install Unity with Android automatically -m android -m android-sdk-ndk-tools -m android-open-jdk. Otherwise, if the command lacks of one module, the Hub will request user input, and since it is unsupervised, the docker image creation fail. - When installing the editor version, the changeset is a must. Otherwise, the hub will fail when looking for the editor version to install. - I was running out of disk space when running my tests, and docker instance broke. Then, it prompt me to choose deleting the images and containers for recovering docker. Otherwise, I couldn't continue making use of it.

I plan to continue working on this repo. I'll feed the repo readme with my future plans.
