

My name is Sergio Prada, a Software Engineer at Unity Technologies. I'm working and living in Colombia. My experience has a variety of flavors because I started creating brand activation games, then I moved to the creation virtual simulators, later I worked on the creation of multi-platform applications for learning science, maths, etc, and now I'm providing professional support to the biggest customers of Unity in the Americas time zone. I speak Spanish and English, I am an early parent, I love video games, movies, technology, challenges, outdoor activities and I plan to continue enjoying my life creating new things, enjoying my family, new technologies and nature.


This is a quick mention to projects where I participated or I am participating. Showing projects where I worked is not an easy task due to non-disclosure agreements or simply no public web reference to it. In case you'd like to better understand my experience visit my LinkedIn profile or visit MY CV.



Unity Aspect Oriented Programming

Recently, a customer asked how to feed profiler counters without actually adding 'intrusive code'.

So, the first questions is, what does 'intrusive code' means? They refered to the act of adding more code to the working source files. For reference, we frequently run into this scenario when:

  1. Printing debug information …


Open a Unity profiler capture outside of the Editor


The Editor iteration profiler (EIP) has a built-in functionality for exporting data from the profiler in different formats (html, csv, json). Below I explain how it worked for me when I needed to inspect a profiler capture in chrome://tracing.

Recently, while working with a customer case, investigating a …


Linux Docker container + Unity + Android

In the last few days, I've been exploring what is docker and how to run Unity on it. Indeed, I've used GameCI in the past and worked good for me, nonetheless, I wanted something simple and from scratch.

something like docker + unity for dummies.

While investigating it, I found important …